Our Vision
We've heard a lot about them from Open Bible leaders, convention and conference speakers, workshop presenters, superintendents, consultants, etc.
What they truly are, by definition, is those characteristics that define who we are.
The values of an organization serve the same function as chromosomes in DNA: they determine an organism's predilection for certain behaviors; its natural composition and appearance so long as its body parts (eyes, hair color, nose, lips, etc.) are not artificially altered.
After much prayerful consideration, we've determined the six values listed in this document are what lie at our core and should tell all who look: "This is what the culture of Mountain Plains Region of Open Bible Churches looks like in her members' behavior."
Accordingly, I have put together this simple explanation of content and plan for how we will consistently communicate the values throughout the next year: first, to one another as the regional board, then, second, to the pastors in Mountain Plains moving forward.
Ministerial Philosophy and Our Responsibility
A ministerial philosophy is an expression of a ministry's purpose. We see this perfectly demonstrated and borne out in nature everyday: pepper plants produce peppers; people birth people; sheep beget sheep.
With that picture in mind, the values at our core will drive the purpose for the activities on the calendar.
Leading - dictated by core values' definition - will be what we look like, sound like, and behave like in Mountain Plains Region.
And our purpose as leaders is to move these values from the conceptual to the actual.
Our Core Values
Passion: excitement about God and His work as a mark of our culture.
Excellence: everything we do is done to its best as a mark of our culture.
Authenticity: genuineness with, and availability to, others as a mark of our culture.
Teamwork: bringing together those experienced and with the innovative for greater effectiveness and efficiency as a mark of our culture.
Empowerment: resourcing leaders through their discovery, development, and deployment as a mark of our culture.
Visionary: seeing the bright future and creating pathways to get there as a mark of our culture.
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